Straw breaker - Mulching machine

The breaker serves to crushing and discomposure of grass, arid and growing shrubs, branches to thickness of 40 mm and other vegetative rests in the orchards, vineyards and on the grounds.
The breaker can be used to cleaning of fallow lying lands and grasslands too. After replacement of the hammers for knives on the breaking rotary and mounting of a disperse plate the breaker can be used to crush the pea, corn and rape straw after the combine harvest.
The breaker hung on the tractor by the help of three-point attachment, which is supplemented on a so-called “paralelogram”. This unit allows the misalignment of the breaker out of the axis of the tractor, e.g. by the work in the orchards or vineyards where is necessary to keep from the trees and bushes in order not to injure them and nevertheless bring the breaker near enough. The set up elevation over the ground is upholding by a rear support roller. The cleaning of that roller provide a scraper.
The necessary output turns of the tractor are 540 1/min.
The customer has to specify for what purpose will the breaker be used.

1. For grass, branches and bushes.
2. For grass, branches and bushes + straw after the combine harvest.

The option 2 is universal, through the replacement of the hammers for knives can it be used for straw or branches. The option 1 cannot be used for straw not even after buying the furniture.


Number of hammer
Number of the knives
Working engagement weight
1400 14 ks 56 ks 1 400 mm cca 390 kg 30-40 kW
1600 18 ks 72 ks 1 600 mm cca 440 kg 40-50 kW
1800 22 ks 88 ks 1 800 mm cca 490 kg 50-60 kW
1200 12 ks   1 200 mm cca 120 kg

19 kW

Furnitore for straw: - knives for straw
- dispersive plate
Furniture for grass: - hammer for grass
- cover for the hammers

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