Harrow parts carrier

The machine is intended for irrigation, settling of the surface, tilling of the ground, for the ground preparation before and after the sowing, for weed killing and for aerating of the plough-land.

The machine is delivered in five types (without the harrow parts):
• the types of 4 m and 5 m are without the folding hydraulic unit, the sidelong arms must be manually folded
• the types 6m, 7m and 9m are furnished with the hydraulic unit for folding of the sidelong arms

The machine is intended for harrow parts with weight up to 34 kg only.

In the order the following is to mention:
• if the customer requests to supply the carrier inclusive of the harrow parts
• if the customer wants to use the harrow parts with weight over 42 kg (in such case the reinforcing of the carrier is necessary).

Type of the carrier Number of the harrow parts

without the harrow parts

4 m 4 ks cca 180 kg 18-25 kW
5 m 5 ks cca 200 kg 25-30 kW
6 m 6 ks cca 250 kg 30-35 kW
7 m 7 ks cca 290 kg 35-40 kW
8 m 8 ks cca 300 kg 40 - 50 kW
9 m 9 ks cca 310 kg 40-50 kW

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